Monday, December 3, 2007

New Findings: Organic vs. Non-Organic

I know, it's been awhile since I've written here, but we've been extremely busy actually starting everything off towards spring production! I keep on talking about February, March, and April, and my friends and relatives keep on telling me, "Whoa! What about the holidays, November and December?" Well, November's now but a sweet memory, and we're in the crux of holiday shopping, gatherings, and joy!

Anyway, in scanning my typical news sites, I was excited to see a relevant new article this morning on something broadstream (, talking about the nutritional value of organic vs. non-organic foods. It seems for the past year or so, all I've seen in the news are articles debunking organics, and basically telling the public that there's no solid evidence to support the idea that organic foods are in fact healthier to ingest than conventional foods. It has seemed SO political to me, and I know how the lobbying thing works, and how money and power generally control the media today, so I've just quietly watched this, rolling my eyes and waiting breathlessly until something to the contrary became publicized -- it wasn't a matter of IF in my eyes; just a matter of when! OK, everyone, have we really forgotten LOGIC?

When discussing my organic status and in teaching herb gardening classes, I always tell people that of course we'd be organic; think about it! Herb leaves/flowers are used as is, no skin to peel or anything else for protection (which is still no excuse!). And if we put nasty pesticides and chemicals on the herbs, and then we ingested them, what would that do to us? Might as well spray a can of bug spray right into our mouths -- BLEGH!

Anyhow, this was an encouraging article on a large study being held in England comparing the nutrition of organic and non-organic food nutrition. Preliminary results definitely show quite the difference; read the article to get the info!

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